Monday, December 1, 2008

Discover How to Rekindle Love and Save Marriage Before It's Too Late

Has the romance gone out of your marriage and you don't know how to get it back?

After years of marriage, living together, working together, good and bad times, couples can lose that spark that makes their marriage fun.

There are things you can do to get that spark back and rekindle the romance and love in your marriage. With a few easy steps you can save the money of marriage counseling and get back the marriage you once had.

Try some of these love making tips or all of these tips.

1. Write little love notes or cards and put them on your spouse's pillow at night so he/she will see them before bed.

2. Go to bed at the same time as your spouse. Don't stay at the computer or in front of the TV when your spouse says he/she is tired and going into bed. Even if you are asleep, it is important to spend time together.

3. Keep yourself clean and neat for your spouse and for yourself. Feel good about yourself and do things to improve your self esteem. This will make you more attractive to your spouse and others. You have to love yourself first in order to attract love.

4. Try to get a date night planned for you and your spouse. Go to a movie. Go out to dinner. Bring dinner in and watch a movie at home. Sit together and make it as romantic as you can.

5. Have an attitude of love. Remember all the things you love about your spouse and why you married in the first place. Journal about those things and keep them in your head.

You can rekindle that love.

By Deborah Hudson

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